We all know that sweet and salty are the perfect combination. It's absolutely magical and according to scientists, this 'flavor layering' gives your brain a positive biological response. So this explains why we love chocolate-covered bacon, salted caramel, and kettle corn!
It makes perfect sense to pair salty cured meats and cheeses with flavored jams and savory spreads. The best way to enjoy is to sample different combos stacked on your crackers or baguette until you find the perfect pairing. A rule of thumb to follow is to pair mild cheeses with delicately-flavored jams and stronger flavored cheeses with richer spreads. Here are some examples:
Goat Cheese + Caramelized Onion Jam
Goat Cheese has a great tang that pairs will with any type of jam. I love it with onion jam but its also great with preserves, marmalades and fruit compotes.

Brie + Apricot Jam
Brie's mild flavor allows for pairings with sweet and savory jams. It is lovely with cherry, strawberry and apricot jams.
Blue Cheese + Fig Jam
Blue cheese has a strong flavor profile so you don't want to pair with a spread that is too sweet. Fig and onion jams are a great savory option.

Of course you can experiment with whatever combination you would like. I love exploring the cheese department at my local grocery store for speciality items. Have fun and spread love and jam!